
Gluteal Tendinopathy

Gluteal Tendinopathy

Understanding Gluteus Medius Tendonitis and Physiotherapy:

Gluteus medius tendonitis is a condition characterised by inflammation or irritation of the tendon of the gluteus medius muscle, which is located on the outer aspect of the hip. This condition often presents with pain and discomfort in the hip region, particularly during activities that involve hip abduction and rotation.

Physiotherapy as a Treatment Approach:

A tailored physiotherapy program aims to reduce pain, improve strength, restore function, and prevent future recurrences. Here are some key components of physiotherapy for gluteus medius tendonitis:

  1. Pain Management: Initially, the focus may be on reducing pain and inflammation through modalities such as ultrasound or transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS). These modalities help alleviate discomfort and promote healing in the affected area.
  2. Stretching Exercises: Tightness in the muscles surrounding the hip, including the gluteus medius, can exacerbate symptoms of tendonitis. A physiotherapist may prescribe specific stretching exercises to improve flexibility and mobility in the hip joint. Stretching routines may target the hip flexors, piriformis, and iliotibial (IT) band, among others.
  3. Strength Training: Strengthening the muscles around the hip is crucial for stabilising the pelvis and reducing strain on the tendon. Physiotherapy exercises will be prescribed to target the gluteal muscles effectively.
  4. Core Stability Exercises: A strong core provides a stable foundation for movement and helps distribute forces effectively during weight-bearing activities. Core stability exercises can enhance pelvic stability and reduce the risk of re-injury.
  5. Activity Modification and Education: Education about proper body mechanics and ergonomics, as well as guidance on activity modification, can help individuals manage symptoms and prevent exacerbations. Learning proper lifting techniques, avoiding prolonged sitting or standing, and using supportive footwear are examples of practical strategies that can aid in recovery. As symptoms improve and strength and flexibility increase, a gradual return to functional activities and sports-specific training may be incorporated into the rehabilitation program. This progressive approach helps ensure a safe and sustainable return to pre-injury levels of activity while minimising the risk of reinjury.

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